Sunday, August 12, 2012

Almost there...

Well, a good amount of time without a video went by, then someone asked if they could see me spin! And I made another. Looking back, it wasn't TOO bad... but I still had some ways to go.About here, is where my "skill" found it's way into my personality. I had found my outlet, you could say I was maturing. I actually took on real responsibilities. I had a bank account, I did yardwork for my neighbors to earn money. I began watching my whole life unfold, I saw my own potential. But that's aside the point. I FINALLY had the money for some real equipment. At this point, I figured I was good enough, I was going to buy some PROFESSIONAL GRADE STUFF: "Flowtoys" I still use these to this day, they are a joy to spin, and I recommend them to all spinners, new and old. But they ARE pricey. At least for a 16 year old with no real job. So, back on topic, I put in my order to flowtoys. And then we began the waiting game.

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