Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Beginning.

So, being the go-getter I am, I go to the dollar store, and empty my wallet on as many glowsticks as I can buy. So, I leave the store, both glowsticks in hand, and I head home on my handy longboard because I'm too poor for gas.

I get home, tear some shoelaces off of an old pair of shoes, and had at it. I didn't need youtube for this! I could do it all on my own! I still have pictures of those bruises.

Fastforward about a week and a hefty load of ICYHOT patches later, I give in, and start using youtube, and I post THIS video I sucked!I didn't know WHAT I was doing! (for some reassurance that I don't STILL suck, and proof that practice and determination DOES help, here's me about a month ago

I still wish I would have had more fun in those weeks, laughing a little harder as I hit myself with the sticks, damaging my future children, but I was set on the path to perfection. I bought some REAL glowsticks, and practiced with those.

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